
Vodis is an intricately crafted beverage that harnesses the power of premium water, blending two exceptional natural antioxidants - food molecular hydrogen (H₂) and biologically active iodine (I+n).

What do we offer?

We are pleased to provide a natural remedy that offers a straightforward solution to complex human challenges.

Health and recovery

Enhancing the body's protective immunity and optimizing metabolic functions are key objectives. This approach aims to mitigate the likelihood of cardiovascular ailments and facilitate the regression of cancer without resorting to invasive surgical procedures or chemotherapy. Additionally, it promotes swift recuperation following surgical interventions, anesthesia, or injuries. Furthermore, it offers a secure therapeutic option for individuals with diabetes (type 2), hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, obesity, and metabolic syndrome.

The fountain of youth

The free radical theory of aging posits that the primary factor contributing to the aging process is the detrimental impact of free radicals on living organisms. Free radicals, due to their electron deficiency, tend to target and harm healthy cells in their quest for stability. Consequently, this results in cellular damage and disruption. Among the various free radicals, hydroxyl radical "●OH" and peroxynitrite are particularly notorious for their highly destructive nature. However, Vodis drink, containing molecular food hydrogen (H₂), effectively counteracts these harmful free radicals by actively neutralizing them.

Healthy energy

The "Vodis" beverage is highly recommended for consumption both during and after physical exertion, as it effectively alleviates fatigue, counteracts the effects of lactic acid, enhances muscle performance at its peak, expedites recovery, aids in managing post-exercise inflammation, and promotes the generation of wholesome energy. It is important to note that this energy is not harmful or stimulating like caffeine, but rather fosters a sense of mental focus and clarity.

Biologically active iodine

Biologically active iodine

The ion in question is of considerable size when compared to a hydrogen molecule. It possesses distinctive antioxidant properties, earning it the moniker of a selective "killer" due to its ability to eliminate microorganisms that pose a threat to human health and other living organisms. This ion has been effectively employed in global applications for numerous years, effectively combating iodine deficiency diseases as well as disorders related to protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism.

An ideal antioxidant

An ideal antioxidant

It has been demonstrated that hydrogen (H₂) has the ability to regulate the body's inherent antioxidant mechanisms, including glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and other enzymes that are crucial for cell protection and contribute to the sustained accumulation of benefits in the human body. In contrast to the majority of other antioxidants, a minute quantity of hydrogen is capable of combating oxidative stress within cells, thereby safeguarding the mitochondria (the cell's energy source), DNA, and RNA.

Protect your brain

Protect your brain

It has been observed that a significant proportion of the oxygen we inhale, ranging from 20-30%, is utilized by the brain, while a small percentage of 2-4% is converted into a harmful hydroxyl radical. The Vodis drink, containing molecular food hydrogen (H₂), has been found to have the ability to effectively permeate through biological barriers and reach all parts of the human body. This property of H₂ has shown promising potential in neutralizing excess free radicals, thereby supporting brain health, particularly in the elderly population. Several studies have confirmed an increase in IQ levels upon consumption of H₂.

Who needs Vodis?

This beverage holds great utility for individuals of all ages, encompassing children, adults, newborns, the elderly, and notably, expectant mothers. Nevertheless, there exist certain "groups of individuals susceptible to oxidative risk", wherein the consumption of this particular beverage becomes an imperative necessity.

Highly effective hydrogen-iodine water "VODIS"

The innovative hydrogen-iodine water “Vodis” represents a natural and highly effective complex antioxidant with significant therapeutic potential for every cell in the human body. Its unique formula helps to counteract harmful free radicals, while also enhancing the effects of natural antioxidants and strengthening the immune system. This exceptional beverage is known to combat inflammation, promote faster recovery, and restore the body’s natural balance after intense physical activity. Additionally, “Vodis” provides a boost to cellular energy and protection.

Its composition includes essential ingredients for human life, such as high-quality natural drinking water, biologically active iodine (BAI), molecular food hydrogen (H₂), and vital trace elements in optimal quantities.

Why is our food and drink so low in hydrogen?

Hydrogen, being the most lightweight and diminutive element known to us, possesses the unique characteristic of swiftly dissipating into the higher strata of the atmosphere, owing to its modest dimensions and mass.

In light of our fast-paced lifestyles and the prevalence of numerous detrimental habits, maintaining a healthy balance in nutrition can be quite challenging, thereby hindering the attainment of a higher quality of life.

The consumption of hydrogen water, however, offers the potential for optimizing water absorption and hydration, boasting exceptional antioxidant properties that effectively enhance the functioning of any living organism.

In 2007, a significant discovery was made by scientists regarding the antioxidant properties of hydrogen. It was found that hydrogen has the ability to reduce harmful oxidants, such as reactive oxygen species, and protect cells from oxidative stress. Since then, numerous studies have been conducted to explore the therapeutic and prophylactic effects of molecular hydrogen. However, these studies have not yet been linked to BAI. These publications have highlighted a wide range of biological effects that hydrogen can offer in the fight against oxidative stress in all living organisms. Furthermore, hydrogen has been found to play a crucial role in energy metabolism, as well as exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, and anti-allergic effects.

We would like to express our gratitude for the valuable insights gained from clinical studies. It is with great pleasure that we highlight the enrichment of “Vodis” water with molecular food hydrogen (H₂) and BAY, which enables us to synergize their respective antioxidant properties, resulting in a novel and beneficial effect on the human body. Importantly, we assure you that this process poses no harm to any living organism.

Our team


Melnichenko V. M.

Director of Vodis LLC (Founder)

Stelmakh V. S.

President of Vodis LLC (Founder)

Lysenko T. P.


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Instructions for using Vodis drink

It is recommended to consider consuming Vodis drink within the range of three bottles (equivalent to 1000 ml) per day. It is best to consume the drink promptly after opening the bottle or within a timeframe of 3-5 minutes. This beverage is designed for daily consumption and is suitable for individuals of all age groups. Its primary purpose is to serve as a preventive and health-enhancing drink, offering geroprotective properties.

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